How to Use Github Api and Datatables

This tutorial is for ProcessMaker version 3

One of the requirements you may have for a grid in ProcessMaker is the ability to search through records and arrange columns in ascending or descending order. This is where DataTables comes in. It is a library that will allow you to do this easily. We will get the data from GitHub api and display in the DataTable.


Our first step is to create a variable of type string and name it hiddenUserList.


Next, we create a trigger and name it Get List of Users

Inside the trigger, we will write the code to call the GitHub API to list users. For the User-Agent CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, use your GitHub username. This will allow GitHub to contact you if there are problems, as stated here in their documentation. This is the code to make the API call:

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => "",
        "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json",
        "User-Agent: your-github-username"

$response = curl_exec($curl);


assign the $response to the hiddenUserList variable

@@hiddenUserList = $response;

To learn more about GitHub APIs you can visit the GitHub Developer page


Next we will create a Dynaform and name it GitHub Users and open it.

  1. In the external libs columns of the Dynaform, we will include the DataTable CDN,

  1. Next we drag a hidden form control and assign the hiddenUserList variable to it. It will hold the list of users.

  2. Inside the Dynaform, we will add a panel control and give it an id of panelTitle. This is the html code to style the panel:

<div style="background:#286090; 
            padding-top: 12px; 
            padding-bottom: 15px; 
            margin-top: 37px;" 
     class='container-fluid jumbotron'>

  <h4>List of GitHub Users</h4>

  1. Now, we drag another panel below the first panel and give it an id of panelTable. This panel will hold our GitHub users and this is the html code for the table:
<table id="tableUserList" class="display table table-striped table-bordered" width="100%" >


This is how the Dynaform design will look like:


  1. In the Dynaform javascript editor, we we will add the following code snippets as shown in the image below image

const usersInfo = {hiddenListId: "hiddenUserList", dataTableId: "tableUserList"};

$(document).ready(function() {



Then we write the getList() function under the $(document).ready(function(){}); block.

function getList(tableObject) {  
  //here we get the list of users from the hidden variable
  let userList = $('#'+ tableObject.hiddenListId +'').getValue();
  userList = JSON.parse(userList);
  //here we insert the list of users to to the table
  const table = $('#'+ tableObject.dataTableId +'').DataTable( {
    data: userList,
    columns: [
      { data: "id" , title: "ID"},
      { data: "login" , title: "LOGIN"},
      { data: "node_id" , title: "NODE_ID" },
      { data: "avatar_url" , title: "AVATAR_URL"},
      { data: "gravatar_id" , title: "GRAVATAR_ID" },
      { data: "url" , title: "URL" },
      { data: "html_url" , title: "HTML_URL" },
      { data: "followers_url" , title: "FOLLOWERS_URL" },
      { data: "gists_url" , title: "GISTS_URL" },
      { data: "starred_url" , title: "STARRED_URL" },
      { data: "subscriptions_url" , title: "SUBSCRIPTIONS_URL" },
      { data: "organizations_url" , title: "ORGANIZATIONS_URL" },
      { data: "repos_url" , title: "REPOS_URL" },
      { data: "events_url" , title: "EVENTS_URL" },
      { data: "received_events_url" , title: "RECEIVED_EVENTS_URL" },
      { data: "type" , title: "TYPE" },
      { data: "site_admin" , title: "SITE_ADMIN" }

  } );


Putting it all Together

Place the Get List of Users trigger before the GitHub Users dynaform


When you run the case, this is what you will get:


Additional Information

Adding Buttons to the DataTable

If you want to add buttons to the table, we can add title objects to the columns in the DataTable. Let us add two buttons the the table

function getList(tableObject) {  
  let userList = $('#'+ tableObject.hiddenListId +'').getValue();
  userList = JSON.parse(userList);
  const table = $('#'+ tableObject.dataTableId +'').DataTable( {
    data: userList,
    columns: [
      { title: "Button-one", class: "center", render: function(data, type, full, meta) 
              	return '<div class="btn btn-info btn-sm"  >' + 'BUTTON ONE' + '</div>';
      { title: "Button-two", class: "center", render: function(data, type, full, meta) 
              	return '<div class="btn btn-info btn-sm"  >' + 'BUTTON TWO' + '</div>';
      { data: "id" , title: "ID"},
      { data: "login" , title: "LOGIN"},
      { data: "node_id" , title: "NODE_ID" },
      { data: "avatar_url" , title: "AVATAR_URL"},
      { data: "gravatar_id" , title: "GRAVATAR_ID" },
      { data: "url" , title: "URL" },
      { data: "html_url" , title: "HTML_URL" },
      { data: "followers_url" , title: "FOLLOWERS_URL" },
      { data: "gists_url" , title: "GISTS_URL" },
      { data: "starred_url" , title: "STARRED_URL" },
      { data: "subscriptions_url" , title: "SUBSCRIPTIONS_URL" },
      { data: "organizations_url" , title: "ORGANIZATIONS_URL" },
      { data: "repos_url" , title: "REPOS_URL" },
      { data: "events_url" , title: "EVENTS_URL" },
      { data: "received_events_url" , title: "RECEIVED_EVENTS_URL" },
      { data: "type" , title: "TYPE" },
      { data: "site_admin" , title: "SITE_ADMIN" }

  } );


Next, let us attach a click event to the buttons. The nth-child() selector targets the column number on the table and the buttons are on the first and second columns on the table

//Attach click event to buttons

$('#tableUserList tbody').on( 'click', 'td:nth-child(1)', function () {

	const table = $('.dataTable').DataTable(); 
	const data = table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();


$('#tableUserList tbody').on( 'click', 'td:nth-child(2)', function () {

  	const table = $('.dataTable').DataTable(); 
	const data = table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();


This is how the table will now appear with the buttons: image